Sound Meditation, Cranial Sacral Massage, and Journey with Jerry Greer
Master of the Gong
What The Journey Will Encompass
Imagine an experience that is frequently compared to psychedelic journeys or transcendental meditation - without drugs or years of practice! Sound healing is a growing field of study that promises safe alternatives to many pharmaceutical and even surgical treatments. Sound bath is a term for an immersion in both focused and ambient sound waves generated by musical instruments and voice.
We begin with a drink of warm herbal tea and a brief consultation to identify challenges and goals. Then you will get comfortable on a massage table with your choice of pillows, comforter, and weighted blanket. Choose between sound-only or start with fifteen minutes of foot reflexology, then sound bath, and end with a ten minute reiki treatment. Relax deeply into the soundscape and feel your mind at ease.
One-to-one personal sessions focus on the subtle power of Chinese gong tones. This ancient instrument creates its own energetic field, enveloping the space like a harmonic cocoon. Its metallic crystals align the crystal structures within the body, unlocking greater mental and physical energy.
Sound bathing can be a profound cleansing experience that clears the mind, refreshes the body, and for some induces a light psychedelic experience. People choose sound healing for different reasons. Some folks gravitate towards the immense stress relief the atmosphere provides, and the invitation to let the busy thinking mind take a break. Others pursue sound healing for a more transformative experience, inviting their subconscious mind to express itself and to set new intentions. Sound bathing creates a safe and comfortable atmosphere to re-align patterns that interfere with inner peace. It is a celebration inspired by deep states of meditation.
At the end we will take a few minutes to soak up the stillness, then sit up to sip some tea and ask questions or share insights about the experience.
It is ideal to have quiet time with minimal distractions after a session. Like most healing experiences, the benefits continue to emerge over time. I also encourage journaling to record any insights the same day if possible.
Welcome to Resonance.
Photo by Ethereal Light
Meet your host, Jerry Greer
I have been a part of spiritual communities most of my life. I have lived at a yoga ashram studying sound healing and teaching guided meditation, restorative yoga, and yoga for people with exceptional needs. After an accident that left me with serious head and spinal trauma the ER doctors told me there was nothing they could do. I sought alternative therapies, receiving deep healing from acupuncture, massage, sound healing, and craniosacral therapy. This inspired eight years of deep transformation and study, assembling the treatments I found most effective into sessions designed to dissolve mind/body blockages and expand consciousness.
I have studied sound therapy with gong guru Don Conreaux, Peruvian shaman Tito la Rosa, Sage Academy of Sound, and other sound healing pioneers.
In addition to courses and workshops, my studies have brought me to the prairie to tend the sweat lodge fire for a Lakota Sioux Sun Dance, to the north of Patagonia to support a vision quest and join the star dance, to Mexico to carry water for a 900 women Moon Dance and transport Wizárika indigenous shamans deep into the desert to their annual peyote harvest, to Scotland to pray in the stone circles of my ancestors, and to the Andes and Amazon to work with cactus & plant medicines in traditional ways.
I believe that a sense of joyful wonder is our natural state of mind and that much modern human dis-ease is caused by our separation from clean food and water, detachment from wild nature, and loss of traditional tribal support. Through focused meditation we can regain the vision to direct our paths in more holistic and sustainable ways by making clear what we need to let go of to make room for a sense of well being. My goal is to craft each sound bath session into a personal ceremony that leads to lasting inspiration and healing.
Gong Master
Sound Healer
Reiki practitioner
Yoga Alliance Instructor
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach